contemporary fashion archive

The Contemporary Fashion Archive, an international project that ran from 2002 to 2007, addressed contemporary fashion design. five renowned European fashion institutions joined forces to curate a unique information network, which detected and presented a selection of current positions and developments in fashion design. the result of these five years of work can be seen here.
fashion design 74, accessory design 7, network 76, institutions 175, magazines 28, exhibitions 152
partners Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (London) Dutch Fashion Foundation (Amsterdam) Flanders Fashion Institute (Antwerp) Hochschule für Gestaltung Technik und Wirtschaft (Pforzheim) Unit F association for contemporary fashion (Vienna)

copyright The images and contents published in the database of the CFA Contemporary Fashion Archive are subject to copyright law. The copyright of works featured therein remain with the designers, authors, institutions and photographers credited. We have gone to appropriate lengths to ensure that the material is only published by consent. Nevertheless, should there be any objections against the distribution of specific works or changes necessary, do not hesitate to contact us.

legal This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community.
The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on the part of the European Community

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